Thursday, December 6, 2012

Scrabble Wall Art

This is one of my FAVORITE projects EVER. It's cheap, adds some fun to our daily lives and makes for excellent gift ideas!

What you will need:
Canvas: Pick a size. I went with 18"x24" because it is what i had. I used an old flopped painting canvas from the garage, but you can use a scrap of plywood, cardboard, or anything sturdy yet lightweight enough to sit in the frame.
Frame: I really dig old frames. I pick them up at yard sales and Goodwills all the time for dirt cheap. Just so happened to have an 18x24 laying around.
Scrabble: If you dont own the game, go to the Goodwill and find one for a buck or two. Brand new the game is around $15. yikes.
Magnetic Paint: $20 for a quart sized can at Home Depot or Lowes. Pricy I know, but one can CAN be used for many projects.
Magnet Strip: Roll of crafty magnet found out WallyMart or Michaels.
Glue Adhesive: I used super glue but im sure hot glue or elmers would be just fine.

Step 1: Mix the magnetic paint VERY well. This paint separates and the bottom, magnetic portion, can be super thick and hard to stir. If your paint seems watery as you paint, its not stirred enough as the coating should not be transparent. Let dry and repeat. I tested magnetic strength with a kitchen magnet. If it holds you are good to go. If not, re-coat. When dry, decorate/paint however you like. Board will remain magnetic thru other coats of paint.

Step 2: Cut magnetic roll/strip into Scrabble piece sized squares. The sticky backs are not strong enough to stay stuck to the wood, so I used super glue.

Step 3: When everything is dry, assemble and have fun!

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