Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Wake Up! Enlightenment is Happening!

I believe you will never be truly happy unless you know and accept who you are and then find your place in this universe. Life is not about materialistic bullshit. (Are YOU keeping up with the Kardashians?) I believe our true purpose in life is to embrace and utilize whatever creativity we have, to better the universe.

2013 is the year. I believe that we entered into the Age of Aquarius as of the end of the Mayan Calendar. They charted the stars thru to the end of an age. The Age of Enlightenment. Halleluiah!! I am officially over all the bs of the UN-enlightened. And seriously, my "DING, lights are on!" moment encompassed a great many things. I truly hope that more people come to their own 'enlightenment' soon. Like really wake up. UNfortunately, people will not 'wake up' until they are ready to receive new open-minded information.

Want to know more? 

Here are three things that have been life changers for me:

A. Depression levels are so high throughout the world. Why? Because the voices in our head are LOUD, we dont always know how to turn them off, and psychology without astrology sucks. This is how I put my depression in check:
  • 1st. I read my Natal Chart. Did you know that there is more to your 'sign' than just your sun sign? (In my case, Capricorn.) Each planet in our solar system has a different affect on your personality, from your heart, to thought process, and even how you might be in the sack. The following link will take you to a place where you can enter your birth info, and get an astrological breakdown on the basics of you. Click Here.
  • 2nd. I just discovered the 12 Houses in astrology...that's nerd speak for the voices in your head. This is a little more complicated to figure out. But you can Click Here to see a description of the Sun sign thru the 12 Houses. There will also be links in the right hand column to see how the other planets affect you in each of the houses. Want to know more?  Come back later for a blog post dedicated to the houses!
 Reading those things about myself, awakened something in the compass of my brain.

B. Next on my path to enlightenment would have to be watching the Zeitgeist movement documentaries. Out of the 3, I believe the Zeitgeist Addendum is the most important.  Use a movie night, if you have to, to watch this 2+ hour documentary that should blow your mind.

C. Last on my path, for today's blog anyway, I realized that the universe is all energy. We are all energy. All forms of energy affect other forms of energy.  Learn to tap into the energies of the universe correctly, and any thing is possible.

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