WHY start a
blog?! Well...I happen to think very highly of my outlook on life and
so my ego tells me to share it with the world as if it will make an
impact. Since my thoughts are often much better expressed in writing
than outta my mouth (its this thing I like to call "The Glitch") I have
been pondering, to blog or not to blog, for some time...
To blog it is.
Being a first time blogger is like learning a new skill set. The site walks you thru the process of creating a blog from your blood type to the type of background you want to use. Juuuuust kidding on the blood type. Figuring out how to navigate this biotch was pretty much the hardest part. Once i found the 'customize' portion I racked my brain deciding between the wooden planks and a stencil font or a pirate scroll with the Walter Turncoat font. (Im sure you will see those on here in the future). In the meantime, this sexy red beast of a background and Rock Salt it is.