Friday, February 7, 2014

The Day After Depression...

What a difference a day makes. The fog lifts, you can see clearly, and you begin to feel soooo much lighter.

Getting up and blogging this morning turned out to be incredibly therapeutic. Got the $h!t off my chest and helped a few people feel understood in the process. This brings me the warm fuzzy hugs that fuel my happy pill.

After sharing the blog post, social media style, I hopped in the car with a girlfriend and headed off to help some more friends. This was also very therapeutic. Not only did I get to decoupage a mannequin (prepping for the grand opening of The Enchanted Tree), but I got to spend time with some ladies that have incredible warm and inviting energy. I love how people come across my path in life. Almost like it is on purpose.

Before going home, we stopped at my friends house for a brief visit. I ALWAYS love my visits there. Conversation is always about the deeper shit like...needed cognitive change for humanity. My friends son always has a way of helping to have rational and 'scientific' outlooks on my own philosophies. Today he brought up the definition of pseudoscience and listed the "fact check" definitive points,  as a sort of refute to Astrology. (I happen to be a very big fan of Astrology. Very big.) I asked him "So then how does psychology become proven through the scientific method?" He busted out a report of Carl Jung's Typology test. On the back was a grid chart of the 16 possible outcomes of personality type. I looked it over, Sensing, Intuition,  Thinking, and Feeling. "Water, Air, Earth, Fire" I pointed out. "I am a Grand Trine Earth (pointing to Thinking) and a Grand Trine Air (pointing to Intuition) so that would put me here (pointing to the type according to the grid)" He says "Ok, come take the test." And I did.

Sure as shit, my results were exactly the same as I had indicated before. Hell yes. I did that using what i know about CEFS (Cognitive Energy Firing little working title as an alternative to Astrology) You know what that means? That means I am one step closer to lifting the taboo that is 'astrology'. Connect the dots, dadidi dee. Getting over this hump, in my opinion, is like unlocking the gateway to understanding the human psyche. I have not read a chart and been wrong...yet. Once people see that everyone has their own individual thought firing sequence, then hopefully they can see how we can teach the proper cognitive therapy's from birth. Maybe we will start feeling more love. Stop being so damn sad all the time. Maybe there would be no drug problem or gun problem... or slut problem...(haha. I had to add that. Been there made THAT mistake)

Anyways, it's been an incredible day cognitively, thus far, and the reaction to my post has been overwhelmingly awesome. A support group/therapy center was suggested, and since this is now the second time that idea has crossed my path, it is now on my todo list.

Thank you all for defining my purpose <3

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